Heavy Rain and Strong Wind Forecast for Coastal Areas Until Early Next Week

date_range 19-Sep-2024
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Phnom Penh, September 19, 2024 --The Ministry of Water Resources and Meteorology has urged for extra caution, especially of residents in coastal areas, against potential heavy rains and strong wind from Sept. 18 to 23.The ministry issued the warning in its latest weather forecast circulated on Wednesday, listing the coastal provinces of Koh Kong, Preah Sihanouk, Kampot, and Kep and Bokor mountain ranges as the most affected.The residents in the areas, especially fishermen, should also expect strong thunder, gusts, high waves, and flash floods that could be life-threatening.The weather condition will be caused by the tropical depression in the South China Sea passing the coastal areas of central Vietnam and the central Mekong basin to Cambodia.The forecast continued that Cambodia's highlands, including the Cardamom mountains and the provinces of Kampong Speu, Pailin, Oddar Meanchey, Preah Vihear, Stung Treng, Kratie, Rattanakiri, and Mondulkiri, as well as the areas located in the lowlands such as Banteay Meanchey, Takeo, Battambang, Siem Reap, Pursat, Kampong Chhnang, Kampong Thom, Kampong Cham, Thbong Khmum, Prey Veng, Svay Rieng and Kandal provinces and Phnom Penh capital could experience above-moderate rains, thunder, and wind storms.

U.S. Food and Beverage Showcase Highlights American Culinary Excellence in Cambodia

date_range 09-Aug-2024
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Phnom Penh, August 09, 2024 --U.S. Embassy Phnom Penh organised Cambodia’s first U.S. Food and Beverage trade show on Aug. 8 at the Rosewood hotel to highlight a diverse selection of American food and beverage offerings.“U.S. ingredients are and will continue to be an important contributor to the successes of restaurants and the food and beverage sector in Cambodia,” said Acting Deputy Chief of Mission Aleks Zittle at the event.According to a press release of the U.S. Embassy in Phnom Penh issued on Aug. 8, from meat and potatoes to dairy and wine, representatives from U.S. food associations across the region showed off a variety of U.S. products.Celebrity chef and founder of the Cambodian Chef Association Luu Meng welcomed representatives of top hotels, restaurants, trade associations, culinary schools, and, of course, foodies.The event was made possible by the United States Department of Agriculture with support from the California Milk Advisory Board, the U.S. Soybean Export Council, the U.S. Dairy Export Council, the U.S. Meat Export Federation, Potatoes USA, and the U.S. Poultry and Egg Export Council. Local distributors who contributed include AusKhmer, Lee’s, LSH, and Nice Blue, among others.

Industry Minister Calls on Local Food Producers to Elevate Khmer Cuisine to Global Audience

date_range 07-Aug-2024
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Phnom Penh, August 07, 2024 --H.E. Hem Vanndy, Minister of Industry, Science, Technology & Innovation, has urged local food producers to harness the talents of culinary experts to promote innovation and international recognition of Khmer cuisine, emphasising the importance of bringing the rich flavours of Cambodia to a global audience.H.E. Minister made his remarks during a visit to PPF Yummy Manufacturing on Aug. 6, where he toured the facility in Sen Sok district, said the Ministry of Industry, Science, Technology & Innovation (MISTI) in a news release, adding that he described the visit as an opportunity to encourage the company and gain a deeper understanding of its operations, while also exploring ways in which the ministry can support food producers.According to the source, founded in 2021, PPF Yummy Manufacturing has transformed from a family-run online business into a thriving enterprise. The company now produces eight ready-to-eat products, including Prahok Ktis, weaver ant fish paste and Prahok Trei Cha’er, as well as a selection of ready-to-cook items like marinated pork ribs, ground beef skewers, and beef kebabs.These products are available in local and major supermarkets and select restaurants across the country. In May 2024, the company began exporting its offerings to Korea. "We have already exported 500 kg of products to South Korea and aim to expand our exports to five countries in the near future,” said the company’s General Manager Chea Chetra.The facility currently produces between 300 to 500 bottles of Cambodian food paste and culinary products daily, with plans to expand its range to include cooking sauces, dipping sauces, dry foods for Khmer Hamok (aka Amok), Khmer noodle, and Khmer desserts.During the visit, H.E. Hem Vanndy commended the company for its achievements and commitment to quality and standards. He emphasised the motto "Khmer Can Do," which encompasses not only product creation but also effective marketing, reinforcing the competitiveness of Cambodian-made products in both local and international markets. He encouraged other local food producers to enhance food quality standards, hygiene, and safety by drawing inspiration from PPF Yummy Manufacturing.The minister outlined several key areas for the company's development, including enhancing hygiene and standards, studying flavours of products from neighbouring countries to create unique tastes, and incorporating health-promoting components while providing detailed nutritional facts on product labels. He underlined the importance of extending product shelf-life, making products affordable, and ensuring stringent quality control to prevent any incidents that could harm the company's reputation.PPF Yummy Manufacturing was likened to a "mega magnet," illustrating its role in generating employment not only for its 30 employees but also for numerous farmers supplying raw materials.H.E. Hem Vanndy laid stress on the need to build an ecosystem that upholds the standards of quality and quantity in production, with a focus on future demand.In his recommendations, he also encouraged the company to collaborate with research institutions, including laboratories and universities to engage in joint research and development aimed at creating innovative food products and advancing food technologies. He highlighted MISTI's support for the private sector in registering intellectual property for their innovations and urged private sector to take advantage of MISTI’s other public services.

ITC, Japan's University Establish Air Quality Monitoring System

date_range 18-Jul-2024
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Phnom Penh, July 18, 2024 --The Institute of Technology of Cambodia (ICT), in collaboration with Japan's University under the Science and Technology Research Partnership for Sustainable Development (SATREPS), has established an air quality monitoring system, according to the Ministry of Education, Youth, and Sports.The system aims to study air quality in Cambodia and transboundary air pollution, especially in Phnom Penh, by focusing on the levels of toxin and chemical pollutants.The air quality monitoring system is capable of measuring tiny particles as small as 0.3 micrometres, including carbon monoxide, sulphur dioxide, nitrogen dioxide, and ozone.Meanwhile, the ITC has also established an air quality monitoring laboratory that is capable of analysing toxin amounts, chemicals, and other substances that affect people's health.So far, air quality monitors have been equipped at five different locations in Phnom Penh, including ITC, the University of Health Sciences, Prek Pnov Khan hall, the Royal University of Agriculture (RUA), and Arey Ksat Sangkat hall.

Mondulkiri Sets National Precedent With Cross-Sector Collaboration For Improved Adolescent And Youth Health And Well-Being

date_range 25-Jun-2024
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Phnom Penh, June 25, 2024 --Towards improving the health and wellbeing of adolescents and youth, the Provincial Health Department, the Provincial Department of Education, Youth, and Sport of Mondulkiri province, and the UNFPA Cambodia Country Office on June 24 handed over equipment and materials towards the scaling up of school health rooms in ten schools across the province.According to its press release, the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) works in partnership with the Ministry of Health and Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports the school health room initiative. In Mondulkiri, the provincial departments have collaborated to meet the specific healthcare needs of local communities. Ten schools (five secondary and five primary) will receive new health rooms equipped with patient beds/mattresses, basic first aid items, and dignity kits for adolescent girls. This ensures that students in remote areas have access to essential reproductive and health care services and information, health education, and first aid within their schools. Mondulkiri is the first province in the country to implement this model of sub-national partnership between the Departments of health and education."By establishing these school health rooms, we are investing in the future of our next generations and empowering them to take charge of their health and well-being. When young people have access to reproductive health services, essential healthcare, and accurate information within their schools, they can make informed decisions, overcome barriers, and focus on their education. The Provincial Health Department is proud to partner with the Provincial Department of Education to ensure a healthy and bright future for every student in Mondulkiri province," said Dr. Bun Sou, the Director of the Provincial Health Department of Mondulkiri province."We deeply appreciate the partnership with UNFPA and the close collaboration with the Mondulkiri Provincial Health Department," said Mr. Ly Samik, the Director of the Mondulkiri Provincial Department of Education, Youth and Sport. "By allowing students access to primary health services in schools, we have improved their access to youth-friendly health centers, effectively supporting the government's vision of building human capital by prioritising student health, including sexual and reproductive health." Mr. Samik added, "Providing comprehensive information to empower Indigenous students in the Northeast about their rights and choices will further engage them in education, particularly by supporting them to delay early marriage."The equipment handover ceremony was attended by representatives from both departments, school officials, and UNFPA. The United Nations agency is proud to partner with the Mondulkiri Provincial Departments of Education and Health on this important initiative.Sandra Bernklau, the Representative of UNFPA stated that, “ensuring that all adolescents and youth have access to sexual and reproductive health information, support and services will ensure that young people are able to make informed decisions about their health, wellbeing and futures”.This collaboration marks a significant milestone in Mondulkiri province's efforts to prioritise the health and well-being of its students. The school health rooms are expected to have a positive impact on school attendance, academic performance, and overall community health.

Sitting all day? Here are 4 tips that can help you feel better

date_range 20-May-2024
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Working and studying from home can take a toll on our bodies. Hunching over our laptops, sitting in the same spot for hours, staring at our screens or making do with a less-than-ideal setup can all contribute to neck and back pain.Here are 4 tips from our physical therapists at Medical Services to help you reduce aches and pain, or help you avoid them altogether. #1 Avoid sitting for long periodsSitting for long periods of time is associated with negative health effects. The Physical Therapy and Integrative Care team at Medical Services recommend moving throughout the day and avoiding sitting for more than 2 hours at a time.Make a healthy habit of getting up and moving around for at least an hour or two during the day. You can do this by breaking up your time into short breaks. For instance, if you’ve been sitting at your desk for an hour, take a 15 minute break to stretch, walk around or do simple exercises. The Rec Center has a playlist of pre-recorded stretching exercises you can do to break up your schedule and help you ease tension.Additionally, you may include movement into your everyday routine by using an exercise ball in place of a typical desk chair, taking the stairs rather than the elevator, or going for a stroll while you're on the phone.Additionally, you may include movement into your everyday routine by using an exercise ball in place of a typical desk chair, taking the stairs rather than the elevator, or going for a stroll while you're on the phone.#2 Take deep breaths.Similar brain regions are responsible for both pain and stress. Reducing your stress might also aid in lessening your discomfort."Deep breathing exercises can help calm our nervous system down from 'fight-flight-or-freeze' mode into a more relaxed'rest and digest' state," suggests Medical Service physical therapist Dr. Annie Sirotniak, DPT. Choose a comfortable location and dedicate a few minutes to breathing slowly and deeply to begin practicing deep breathing. On a count of three, try inhaling through your nose; after a little pause, exhale on a count of four.Keep taking deep breaths and observe how your body changes. Do your shoulders feel more at ease now? Has the tenseness eased? Breathing exercises should be continued until you feel your body becoming more relaxed.#3 When you sit, provide your lower back support.Long durations of sitting at home or at school can cause pain that can be mitigated by supporting your lower back, or lumbar region. "Place a small rolled up blanket or towel between your lower back and the chair backrest," is a tip that Dr. Winter Ball, DPT, gives his patients.Putting a towel roll beneath your tailbone is another technique he suggests. By doing this, you'll be able to tilt your pelvis top towards your thighs and create a comfortable position for your back. When using a computer, this position can also assist relieve tension in your neck and shoulders.#4 Adjust your configurationThere are ways to improve the comfort and ergonomics of your workspace, whether you work or study in bed, on the sofa, or at a desk. Try raising your laptop so that the screen is at eye level if you use one. Your posture may be affected by an excessively high or low screen, which might cause back or neck pain, especially after extended use.In order to maintain a comfortable position for your shoulders, elbows, and wrists when working, it can also be beneficial, if at all possible, to utilize a separate keyboard and mouse. Try different workspaces and comfortable items if this isn't feasible. Many of us turn to our phones when it's finally time to log off of Zoom, which could be contributing to our neck or back ache. Try holding your phone at eye level more often rather than looking down at it to prevent this. This can assist in reducing neck irritation.

6 Reasons Why Beer Is Good in Summer

date_range 06-May-2024
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One of the most consumed alcoholic beverages worldwide is beer. After water and tea, it is the oldest and the third most popular beverage. Grain cereals are fermented and then brewed to create beer. Beer can also occasionally be made from oats, rice, maize, and wheat, however it is typically made with malted barley.Beer has a much lower alcohol concentration than whiskies, rums, and vodkas. The alcohol content of modern beer ranges from 4% to 6% by volume. Nonetheless, a lot of beer manufacturers could produce their beverages with an ABV higher than 40%.After working hard for several hours in the sun outside, nothing is more soothing than a nice, cool drink. Unexpectedly, a lot of people prefer to have beer cans or bottles nearby rather than water when working hard in the summertime. Even while excessive beer consumption can result in a beer belly, you can still enjoy the beverage without running the risk of gaining too much weight. These are a few advantages that drinking beer in the summertime can provide.1. Reduce StressIt can be challenging to perform physical labor under the sun. Excessive weariness and energy loss might result from your body experiencing too much stress. Numerous studies have shown that having two glasses of beer can effectively lower tension or anxiety related to work. But you have to be careful not to get alcohol dependant because that would be more detrimental than beneficial.2. Quench Your ThirstYou will become thirsty extremely quickly if you perform physical labor in the sun. Water will just make you feel less thirsty. But drinking cold beer instead of just plain water will help you both rehydrate and feel more energised. Your ability to perform your physical work outside will improve as a result.3. Beer Is the Perfect Drink to Have With FriendsIf you routinely meet your circle of friends every weekend, having a beer can make such social events more fun. Catch up on those lost moments in life and go back to your school or college days with your buddies over a couple bottles of chilled beer.4. Beer Can Protect Your HeartRecent research indicates that individuals who consume modest amounts of beer have a lower risk of heart attacks than those who do not drink any at all. Furthermore, beer helps shield you from heart attacks and other heart-related conditions. Research indicates that consuming alcohol in moderation can reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases.5. Lower Cholesterol LevelsBeer has soluble fiber, which lowers LDL, or bad cholesterol. Consuming soluble fiber not only lowers your LDL cholesterol but also helps your body maintain a healthy blood sugar level. On the other hand, excessive alcohol use interferes with your body's natural capacity to absorb vitamins and minerals. Your body is unable to efficiently burn the stored fat as a result.6. Enhances Cognitive AbilitiesRecent research indicates that middle-aged adults who drink alcohol have better overall bodily function. It demonstrates that moderate alcohol consumption can enhance cognitive performance, even though it does not advocate excessive alcohol usage.


date_range 26-Apr-2024
visibility 6

Le Petit Chef is back with a new show! Hyatt Regency Phnom Penh invites you to join the quirky little chef and his friends from Spain, Italy and Japan. Enjoy an unforgettable experience that will capture your imagination. Through cutting-edge 3D Mapping Technology, diners will be able to see the world’s smallest chef in in action right on their dinner plates.Guests can enjoy a four-course gourmet menu inspired by Le Petit Chef and his talented friends, accompanied by themed music, vibrant lighting and interactive storytelling. The price starts at $88 per person for the Economy Class Menu, and $150 per person for the Business Class Menu, Vegetarian Menu and a Kids Menu are available.Le Petit Chef offers guests a unique and memorable fun dining experience that combines technology, art and cuisine. This is a perfect opportunity to celebrate a special occasion or simply enjoy a fun night out with family and friends.Le Petit Chef is available during dinner time, from Monday to Sunday (except Tuesday), from 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM. Guest have to be at the venue at least 15 minutes in advance. Reservations are required. Please visit https://lepetitchef.com/phnompenh or call +855 97 350 1234 for reservations or more information.

Natural remedy that is recognized to be effective in just one night

date_range 09-Apr-2024
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Onion is a natural vegetable that people eat every day. Not only is it a natural vegetable to eat, but it is also traditional medicine that has been found and recognized as effective in the Treatment of various diseases.Remedies like this have been around for a long time, dating back to the 6th century.The first stepSlice the onion thinly, and then put it on the soles of your feet. Wear socks when you sleep at night and take them off in the morning.Eating onions not only gives you health benefits. If you often have a fever, put a slice of onion in your sock and wear it at night. This is an effective way to lower your body temperature very quickly without medication.The above methods are effective in:Reduce body heat Detoxify the bodyAgainst coldsAt the end of the human foot, there are more than 7,000 nerve endings directly connected to the organs and other parts of the body, such as the brain, liver, heart, etc. Yes, it will stimulate and send all the nutrients into the body at once, and it also has the role of killing harmful bacteria, including agents in the body. According to doctors, onions also help relieve pain or swelling​​​ of the body or the lymph nodes.

How to take care of our skin and stay young

date_range 09-Apr-2024
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We are getting older; however, we do not want our skin to change, so what should we take care of the skin so that the face and skin remain young and do not change?1. Always use sunscreen every time you go out.Radiation is the number one enemy of the skin and the face. If we do not take good care of it, it will damage your skin, make your skin dark, dark, dull, and even lead to skin cancer.2. Get plenty of waterMoisturizing the skin is very important to help the skin absorb water to nourish the cells inside. You should drink at least 2 to 2.5 liters of water a day because the skin also needs water and freshness, just like plants.3. Eat more vegetables than meatSome vegetables have good skin nutrients that can help brighten the skin, replenish collagen, make the skin layer strong, do not age quickly, and do not wrinkle, so you should eat more vegetables than meat.4. Take some time to exerciseTo make your skin look younger, you should take 30 to 45 minutes to exercise or do yoga and make your skin look younger, less prone to wrinkles and aging.

6 Health Benefits of Vacation

date_range 09-Apr-2024
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No matter what age, everyone is always looking forward to a break from work and study. Holidays that are full of complexity are neither fun nor comfortable. However, research shows that most people take time off at the end of the year to do extra work. Not taking a holiday can affect your physical and mental health. In this article, GoReadMe will highlight the many health benefits of vacation that you should consider.1-Reduce stressStress can help people get a job done due to the pressure, but experts note that 80% of workers are prone to work stress, and 70% of their holidays go to health care providers that are due to it. Studies have shown that rest can help keep you healthy and prevent getting angry quickly.2- Increase creativityVacations can enhance creativity. People see their daily world differently and bigger. Everyone will experience a wiser vision as well as increased creativity after a break from their work environment for a while, especially this holiday.3-Promoting emotional stabilityToo much time at the office (whether you work long hours or take time off) can be stressful. You can not control your emotions well if you do not take a break from work. So you should find a suitable place, especially during the upcoming Khmer New Year holiday.4- Increase confidenceMany researchers have noted that people return from vacation feeling rejuvenated. They are fresh and tend to go for more substantial projects by choosing the one that works best for them.5- Improve your intellectual mindYou can have total energy, which improves your mentality and intellectual and emotional well-being, and refreshes the senses. 

5 signs that show that you are starting to become mature

date_range 09-Apr-2024
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1.  You are not quick to react: Your maturity will make you change into a person who is not quick to respond to problems or things you encounter.2. You do more than you talk: Doing more than talking shows that you have become a responsible person in the work you are doing3. You don’t complain a lot: Complaining is an action that symbolizes people who are still immature because they may not be very patient, which sometimes can make them feel pressured that can lead them to talk out loud as they cannot hold it in much longer.4. Pay attention to what you are doing: Paying attention to what you are doing is very important. If we pay attention to our work, the result will reflect on our determination and demonstrate our responsibility for it.5. You like to do things by now and not wait for tomorrow: Leaving work is a habit, it is considered that you are lazy and irresponsible, do not have the character of an adult yet, so if you are the kind of person who likes to get things done and not leave that job or wait for tomorrow shows that you are also a mature person.

Do you know how important breastfeeding is for a baby?

date_range 09-Apr-2024
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Breast milk is the only natural food that contains enough nutrients to help babies grow and develop healthily. Breastfeeding also protects both mother and baby from infections and other illnesses. Every dose of breastfeeding is positive, and the longer you breastfeed, the more beneficial it is.The main components contained in breast milk are·        Protein·        Fat·        Vitamins and Minerals·        Prebiotic Oligo Sakaya·        Nuclear·        Long Chan Poly Ansatarite Fatty AcidThe Importance of Breastfeeding·        Reduce breast and cervical cancer in mothers·        Reduce the risk of pelvic fractures in mothers·        Burn 5,000 calories a day·        Reduce the risk of diarrhea, vomiting, respiratory tract, constipation, eczema ,and obesity in infants.Therefore, every woman should pay attention to breastfeeding regularly to get many benefits of breast milk.

Five foods that are best for promoting weight loss and weight maintenance

date_range 08-Apr-2024
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1. EggsEggs have very few calories in the egg is only about 85 Kcal. But eggs are rich in protein, which brings about 6% of an individual's energy needs. Eggs are a very responsive food for those who want to diet because it has a strong balance between protein and energy. Eggs do not make you fat. Another advantage of eggs that have been studied recently is that if you eat eggs in the morning, you will not be hungry during the day.2. Vegetables with green leavesGreen leafy vegetables contain phytochemicals, including carotenoids, indoles, and saponins, containing anti-cancer substances. Green leafy vegetables such as kale and kale are also good sources of folate.3.SalmonSalmon is rich in Vitamins A, B, D, omega-3 fatty acids, and minerals mean that salmon's nutrients, iron, and selenium increase the brain and type 2 brain. The omega-3 fatty acids in salmon help prevent high blood pressure, heart disease, and stroke4. Tuna85 grams of yellow tuna contains 26 grams of protein, and it has only 109 calories, which is a high-protein food that helps a high-fat diet, which is an excellent choice to maintain weight. It contains 98 calories, 21 grams of protein, and 0.8 grams of fat, which is a good choice for those who need a high protein and low-fat diet. In addition, tuna contains other nutrients such as vitamin B, vitamin D, vitamin B-6, vitamin B-12, and calories.5. PeanutsScientists have found peanuts to be essential in losing weight and maintaining weight, according to a Spanish study published in the journal Obesity. Consuming peanuts at least twice a week can reduce the risk of weight gain by 31%.Here are some other nutrients in peanuts:-biotin or vitamin H, about 88%- 47% copper- 36% manganese- Vitamin B3 28%….

PM Appreciates TB Control, Calls On More Work

date_range 25-Mar-2024
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Phnom Penh, March 23, 2024 --The Prime Minister commends Cambodia's achievements in fighting against tuberculosis (TB) and advises further acceleration of the service.Samdech Moha Borvor Thipadei Hun Manet shared the remark in an open letter to mark the World TB Day, Mar. 24, themed 'Yes! We can end TB.'Cambodia has transformed herself from a country among others with the highest TB prevalences in the world into one considered a role model in fighting the disease, he said.New TB cases dropped from 579 per 100,000 people in 2000 to 320 in 2022, which is a 45 percent decrease.The TB death rate also declined by around 45 percent, from 42 cases per 100,000 in 2000 to 23 cases in 2022.Samdech Thipadei Hun Manet highlighted that Cambodia should not be complacent with the success but work harder to overcome the challenges faced in fighting TB.Promoting the health and quality of life of the people is top on the government's agenda, he continued.From there, he called on the Ministry of Health and other stakeholders at all levels to mobilise available resources and accelerate TB tracking and treatment services, aiming for a success rate of more than 90 percent.Samdech Thipadei Hun Manet ended his message by thanking the ministry and its officials, as well as other players in the area, for their hard work so far.

EU Continues Its Supports For Cambodia’s Access To Safe And Clean Water

date_range 13-Mar-2024
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Phnom Penh, March 13, 2024 ---The European Union (EU) will continue supporting Cambodia’s access to safe and clean water beyond Phnom Penh, pledging funding to the Bakheng Water Treatment Plant Phase 3.The commitment was made by H.E. Ms. Jutta Urpilainen, European Commissioner for International Partnerships during her visit, joined by H.E. Hem Vandy, Minister of Industry, Science, Technology and Innovation, to the Bakheng Water Treatment Plant on Mar. 13.This facility stands as a flagship European investment under the EU's Global Gateway investment strategy. This investment has significantly improved access to clean water for over 2 million residents in Phnom Penh and Takhmao city.The visit was accompanied by H.E. Long Naro, Director General of Phnom Penh Water Supply Authority (PPWSA), along with about 50 representatives from EU Member States, Ministry of Industry, Science, Technology and Innovation, and the PPWSA.Commissioner Urpilainen commended the strong partnership between the French Development Agency (AFD), the European Investment Bank (EIB) and the EU as a strong Team Europe, particularly in the water sector.She highlighted the importance of access to clean water as a fundamental human right and a critical element of sustainable development.“With the successful implementation of Bakheng Phases 1 and 2, the EU will continue supporting Cambodia’s access to safe and clean water beyond Phnom Penh. Through our continued engagement, I am proud to announce our commitment of US$13 million (12M EUR) grant funding to Bakheng Phase 3 in collaboration with our European partner, AFD,” Commissioner Urpilainen announced.The Bakheng Water Treatment Plant is a testament to our commitment to providing quality, safe, sustainable, and affordable water, essential for both household consumption and attracting investment, pivotal to Cambodia’s development, said H.E. Hem Vanndy.“We extend our appreciation to the EU and our esteemed development partners for their steadfast support in advancing Cambodia’s potable water sector,” he said.The Bakheng Water Treatment Plant Phases 1 and 2, with a combined production capacity of 390,000 m3/day, have been a key milestone in Cambodia's water infrastructure development, ensuring access to portable water for millions of people.The project has also contributed to 170,000 new connections to the water supply network, including for disadvantaged households, and 25,000 connections to commercial establishments and factories.The Phase 3 expansion of the project represents another significant step forward in ensuring sustainable water infrastructure and meeting the growing demand for clean water in the capital and surrounding areas.The European Commissioner has selected Cambodia as the first country to visit in South East Asia. Her interaction with the Cambodian government, youth and civil society represents an opportunity to take stock of the long-standing cooperation between Europe and Cambodia and to launch new initiatives to promote investments in partnerships with the EU. 

Drinking too much coffee 'could shrink women's breasts'

date_range 21-Feb-2024
visibility 21

According to the Daily Mail, women's breasts shrink when they consume three cups of coffee a day. It stated that after asking nearly 300 women about their coffee consumption, researchers assessed each woman's bust size. "Three cups was enough to make breasts shrink," according to the study, and the effect was stronger with each cup. Because around half of all women carry a gene that correlates coffee consumption with breast size, the newspaper said that there is "a clear link between drinking coffee and smaller breasts."Previous study has discovered that the risk of breast cancer may be influenced by a certain oestrogen balance in the body, which appears to be connected with breast volume. This is controlled by a gene that codes (instructs) an enzyme involved in the metabolism of both estrogen and caffeine. The current study investigated whether coffee consumption is connected with breast volume, and how this is influenced by a woman's CYP1A2*1F genotype. Although the study found a correlation between these characteristics in women who did not use oral contraception, the media oversimplified the findings, and the study has little current implications. According to the publication, there is "a clear link between drinking coffee and smaller breasts" because almost half of all women carry a gene that relates breast size to coffee use.What was the source of the story? This study was conducted in Sweden by Dr. Helena Jernström and associates from Lund University and Malmo University. Several Swedish foundations as well as The Swedish Research Council provided funding for the study. The research was released in the British Journal of Cancer, a peer-reviewed medical journal.Which type of scientific investigation was this? In order to determine if coffee consumption was related to breast volume and how the A/A genotype of the CYP1A2*1F gene affected this, the investigators conducted a cross-sectional study. This gene produces the CYP1A2 enzyme, which is involved in the metabolism of estrogen and coffee. It has previously been demonstrated that high-caffeine A/A genotype women had a larger ratio of certain oestrogens, which may provide some protection against breast cancer.The researchers recruited 269 Swedish volunteers (average age 29) who filled out a questionnaire about reproductive issues, contraception use, smoking, coffee consumption (big 300ml cups or tiny 150ml cups), and other topics (not covered in this article). Body measurements were recorded at specific intervals during the menstrual cycle. The women's breast volume was measured by asking them to kneel with their breasts hanging down. The approximate volume was then calculated using a simple formula (base x height divided by three). The CYP1A21F gene, as well as oestrogen and other hormonal factor levels, were analyzed in a laboratory. In their statistical studies, the researchers looked for any links between the CYP1A21F genotype (whether A/A or not) and consuming three or more cups per day.What were the outcomes of the study? The CYP1A21F A/A genotype was present in 51% of the women. There was no difference in coffee intake or any other personal, social, or lifestyle trait between women with the CYP1A21F A/A genotype and those without. Coffee drinking was significantly linked to smoking. Total breast volume was substantially linked with weight, but not with age, hormonal contraceptive use, childlessness, smoking, or the CYP1A2*1F genotype.In subsequent analyses, the researchers focused primarily on women who did not use hormonal contraception (such as the pill). Among the 145 non-users, the CYP1A2*1F genotype significantly altered the relationship between drinking at least three cups of coffee per day and breast volume. Women who did not have the A/A genotype and drank three cups or more per day had smaller breast volumes than those who drank less coffee. Women with the A/A genotype who drank three cups or more per day had slightly higher breast capacity than those who drank less coffee.What conclusions did the researchers make from their findings? The authors conclude with the major conclusion of "a significant interaction between coffee consumption, CYP1A21F genotype, and breast volume among young healthy women who did not use hormonal contraception." According to the researchers, this interaction was primarily driven by the fact that drinking three cups of coffee or more per day was associated with reduced breast volume in women who did not have the CYP1A21F A/A genotype.What is the NHS Knowledge Service's assessment of this study?This is a sophisticated study that builds on previous research into the relationship between CYP1A2*1F genotypes, breast volume, and breast cancer. The media has oversimplified the research, and the findings have limited present relevance. The cross-sectional study design simply shows relationships; it does not prove that coffee drinking 'caused' the breast volume measured at the time of the study or caused the breasts to'shrink'. Furthermore, there may be concerns with both the accuracy of the breast measurement and coffee consumption (which are not included in this research). The observed relationship is based on an examination of only 145 women, and additional research will be required to confirm the findings.Many women will have consumed coffee for most of their lives. These women need not be concerned about their breast size if they continue to consume moderately.

Australia Builds Capacity Of Young Water Engineers For Sustainable Access To Clean Water

date_range 16-Feb-2024
visibility 13

Phnom Penh, February 16, 2024 —The Australian government has been assisting Cambodia in building capacity of young water engineers for sustainable access to clean waterAccording to the embassy’s news release, Australia’s flagship economic development programme, the Cambodia Australia Partnership for Resilient Economic Development (CAPRED), organised a study trip for engineers-in-training to a water treatment plant in Kampong Cham province.The visit enabled 30 water and environmental engineering students and lecturers from the Institute of Technology of Cambodia to better understand the water supply chain.The participants gained insights into the legal, technical and financial aspects of clean water distribution. They also discussed how water supply intersects with critical issues such as gender equality, disability and social inclusion and climate resilience to empower communities.

What fruits are beneficial for people with diabetes?

date_range 14-Feb-2024
visibility 10

Fruits are a good dietary choice for people with diabetes since they are a good source of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. Eating the right fruits can also help diabetics get healthier and lower their chance of developing problems with their heart, kidneys, eyes, and nerves.However, because the primary ingredient in fruits is carbs, which are converted into glucose during digestion, people with diabetes must carefully control their fruit intake and select the correct kinds.Consequently, consuming too many high-sugar fruits or more low-sugar fruits than is advised might raise blood sugar levels and increase the risk of serious side effects such fatty liver, foot ulcers, renal failure, and vision loss.Your daily fruit consumption should be restricted to between 50 and 75 grams per serving, or 160 and 240 grams total. Top priority should go to fruits including oranges, lemons, grapefruits, guavas, raspberries, blueberries, strawberries, apples, avocados, and bananas that have glycemic loading (GLs) of less than 20 and GIs of less than 70.Fruit must also be consumed at the appropriate time of day, ideally as a snack or first thing in the morning. Fruit should be avoided as much after a main meal as possible because it can spike blood sugar levels.It is advised to eat whole fruits rather than juice them because they have higher fiber. By doing this, the body is able to better regulate blood sugar levels and limit the absorption of glucose.The body responds differently to fruit eating in each individual. As a result, it's critical to actively track your blood sugar levels both before and after consuming fruits in order to make wise decisions and modify the amount.Along with taking your medication as prescribed, you should also heed your doctor's advice. Seeking specialized nutritional advice from a certified dietician is advised if needed.

Ministry Calls for Public Vigilance during Upcoming Cold Season

date_range 11-Dec-2023
visibility 11

Phnom Penh, December 09, 2023 --The Ministry of Health has issued a directive calling on the public to take the best care of themselves and their health during the approaching cold season.According to the directive, Cambodia generally encounters seasonal diseases such as respiratory diseases, allergies, and COVID-19.The directive recommended that people wear thick coats, scarves, beanies, and winter gloves to prevent themselves from falling ill.It also advised them to visit the local health centre when they are sick.Children and the elderly are the most susceptible to diseases during the cold season, it highlighted.