Cambodia To Completely Ban Asbestos In 2025
Phnom Penh, November 08, 2023 --The Royal Government of Cambodia has firmly decided to prohibit asbestos completely in 2025.The commitment derives from a recent discussion workshop chaired by the Secretary of State at the Ministry of Labour and Vocational Training, H.E. Dr. Huy Hansong.Mr. Andreas Zurbrugg, Deputy Ambassador at the Australian Embassy to Cambodia, and Mr. Ariga Yasuo, Director of the Japan Occupational Safety and Health Project of the International Organisation for Migration (IOM), were also the dignitaries at the workshop held in cooperation with Union Aid Abroad-APHEDA.According to APHEDA, in a recent post on its official Facebook page, the prohibition is a helpful step to protect asbestos-caused deaths among workers in Cambodia as well as Asia at large.Asbestos is a group of naturally occurring fibrous minerals that are resistant to heat and corrosion, and it can increase the risk of several serious diseases, including lung cancer, among workers working around it.
Public-Private Partnership to Fight Breast Cancer
Phnom Penh, August 31, 2023 --The Minister of Women’s Affairs applauds AIA Cambodia, partner hospitals, relevant working groups, and other stakeholders for their contribution to raising awareness of breast cancer in Cambodia. The minister, H.E. Mrs. Ing Kantha Phavi, expressed her appreciation while presiding over the launching ceremony of the Breast Cancer Awareness Campaign "Fit for Hope 2023" here in Phnom Penh on Aug. 30.H.E. Mrs. Ing Kantha Phavi recalled the participants of the joint efforts between the ministry and AIA Cambodia to build awareness among women and families about their rights to health, including breast cancer. Fit for Hope 2023, she continued, responded well to the vision of the two entities, serving as a solid campaign to encourage women to get diagnosed and cured early to save their lives from the disease.The anti-breast cancer project demonstrates a good partnership between the government and private sector to benefit the community, especially vulnerable women and girls. According to the World Health Organisation, breast cancer is the most common cancer in the world and a leading cause of women’s deaths. In Cambodia, this problem is caused by a lack of awareness, with 70 percent of the patients finding treatment in the last stage of the disease.
Why you should never eat tomatoes and cucumber together?
People's only need for a salad is to mix some delicious ingredients, but there are other variables to consider than flavor. Certain salad ingredients, such as tomatoes and cucumbers, do not combine well. Before mixing components, we must be aware of the specific digestion periods of each item we consume because each of these vegetables has a different rate of absorption.Tomatoes and cucumbers should not be mixed or eaten together. After the digestive enzymes reach the stomach and the fermentation process begins, the acid produced in the abdominal cavity may cause a variety of digestive issues.Moreover, combining meals with differing rates of digestion is not a good idea since the lighter item will pass through the stomach just as the first one is wrapping up its digestion. This might cause your stomach contents to ferment, potentially harming your entire body.
How Long Can You Survive With Just Water
Human survival depends on the consumption of food and water. To function effectively, your body requires energy from food sources and hydration from water. Your body's numerous systems function best when you eat a variety of foods and drink enough water each day.Water is regarded as an important molecule since it forms around 65% of the body's liquid. Your body will use the water stored in your fat cells to quench your thirst in the same way that it uses water from external sources. However, our bodies can also go without water for days at a time. Due to changes in our eating habits, we can go days or even weeks without eating. The body may live for 8 to 21 days without food or water, and up to two months if there is access to enough water intake, according to an article in Archiv Fur Kriminologie.To clarify, If you're able to drink a sufficient amount of water, you're considerably more likely to be able to endure weeks or even months of starvation. Your body can replenish food and liquids with significantly more of its stored energy. Without adequate fluids, your kidney function will deteriorate within a few days.Source: Healthline
How to increase your stamina
The power and vigor necessary for prolonged physical or mental activity are known as stamina. When you're exhausted, exercise could be the last thing on your mind, yet regular exercise will help you gain stamina. Your endurance and capacity for stress management can be significantly improved by yoga and meditation. It's important to keep in mind that energy ebbs and flows are normal while you work to boost your levels. Expecting to perform at your highest level at all times is unrealistic. Always pay attention to your body's needs and take breaks when necessary. Don't exert yourself to the point of fatigue.
Some Common Sickness That can Happen To Your Dogs
Every pet owners are very careful about their pets such as puppy. That is why it is important to know what type of sickness that can happen to your dogs.Here are some common illnesses that can occur:Ear infectionIt's quite likely that allergies are to blame for your dog's persistent ear infections. Dogs with big ears are typically more prone to ear infections. If your own dog shaking his head, and stroking his ear, it is a sign that you should take your dog for a thorough check-up before it get serious.Skin infectionAll dogs itch occasionally, but if you see your dog itch constantly, it may be an indication of something more serious. Food allergies are the leading cause of itchy skin in dogs. Most dog meals contain maize, wheat, and soy, which are the most typical food allergies.DiabetesA shortage of the hormone insulin or an insufficient sensitivity to insulin are the two main contributing factors to the complicated illness of diabetes in dogs. A dog's blood sugar levels increase if he cannot properly use or generate insulin. This causes hyperglycemia.HeartwormOne dog may carry several hundred worms for five to seven years. Therefore, it is essential to take your dog to meet regularly with a professional.
Is period pain normal?
Period pain is a typical symptom of the menstrual cycle and is rather typical. It happens to most women at some time in their life.It often presents as terrible stomach pains that occasionally move to the back and thighs.Sometimes the pain is sharp and spasmodic; other times it may be mild but more persistent.Additionally, it could change over time. While some periods may be painless, others may be more uncomfortable.reasons for menstrual painThe womb's muscular wall tightens (contracts), causing period discomfort. Your womb experiences regular, modest contractions, but most women won't feel them because of how mild they generally are.In order to aid in the shedding of the womb lining during your period, the womb wall starts shrinking more forcefully at this point in time.Your womb's wall constricts, compressing the blood vessels lining it. This briefly blocks off your womb's access to blood and oxygen. Your womb's tissues emit chemicals that cause discomfort when insufficient oxygen is present.Your body produces additional compounds known as prostaglandins in addition to these pain-inducing ones. These induce greater contractions from the womb muscles, raising the degree of pain.
What causes sweaty palms?
Hyperhidrosis is abnormally excessive sweating that isn't always caused by heat or physical activity. This kind of excessive sweating not only interferes with regular activities but can also make one feel uncomfortable and anxious around others.Your body uses sweat as a cooling system. When your body temperature rises, your neurological system naturally causes your sweat glands to release sweat. When you're anxious, you usually start to sweat, especially on your palms.Primary focal (essential) hyperhidrosis is the most prevalent type of the condition. With this type, your sweat glands' signaling neurons become overactive even though no physical activity or temperature increase has caused them to do so. The issue gets worse when you're stressed or anxious. Your palms, feet, and even your face are typically affected by this variety.This kind of hyperhidrosis has no known medical reason. Due to the fact that it occasionally runs in families, it might have a hereditary component.When a medical disease is the cause of excessive sweating, this is known as secondary hyperhidrosis. It is the less typical variety. It's more likely to make you perspire all over. Here are some factors that cause excessive sweating, especially on your palms.
Walking Backward is Actually Good for Your Health
Typically, people may be seen jogging, walking, or running to maintain physical fitness. However, walking in reverse offers you a lot more advantages.Walking backward can initially look foolish or pointless. In reality, it offers many benefits for your physical and emotional health. The benefits include:#1: Walking backward uses different muscle groups.Electromyography (EMG) and joint kinetics were used in one study to show substantial changes in muscle activation between forwarding and backward walking and running.When attempting to strengthen the quadriceps or recover from a knee injury or knee discomfort caused by quad muscle weakness, running or walking backward may be more beneficial than forwarding motion.#2: Walking backward enhances stability and balanceOne study found that walking back can improve balance, stride length, and speed, among other advantages.Walking backward is a particular balance problem since you can't see where you're going and lack visual inputs to support your spatial and body awareness.#3: Burning More Calories When You Walk BackwardWalking backward burns over 40% more calories per minute than walking forward if you're trying to reduce weight via exercise.• #4: might ease knee painIf you have osteoarthritis in your knees, you might want to try walking backward.#5: The Benefits of Walking Backwards for Your BrainWalking backward forces your brain out of its comfort zone and tests your coordination and movement patterns in ways we seldom encounter as adults, much like learning a brand-new sport. By doing so, you maintain mental acuity and create new neural connections.
What Happens When You Drink Too Much Water?
Water makes up between 50% and 70% of your body weight and is the primary chemical in your body. Water is essential for your body to live. Your body's organs, cells, and tissues all require water to function correctly.Dehydration, a condition that happens when your body doesn't have enough water to perform regular processes, can result from a lack of water. On the other hand, consuming too much water might also be harmful. Persons merely require:Men need about 15.5 cups (3.7 liters) of hydration every day.Women should drink around 11.5 cups (2.7 liters) of liquids each day.Drinking too much water, sometimes referred to as water poisoning, is a disturbance of brain function brought on by consuming an excessive amount of water. The quantity of water in the blood rises as a result. The electrolytes in the blood, particularly sodium, may be diluted as a result.the following signs and symptoms of water intoxication:headachesnausea vomitingMore significant signs and symptoms of water intoxication include sleepiness.weak or cramping muscles higher blood pressuredouble vision uncertaintyincapacity to recognize sensory datahaving trouble breathing
What causes trauma?
Trauma is characterized as the emotional reaction to a very bad occurrence. Even while trauma is a common response to a terrible incident, the effects can be so severe that they make it difficult for a person to lead a regular life.There are certain fundamental markers of trauma that you may watch out for, despite the fact that the causes and symptoms of trauma vary. People who have been through terrible experiences may seem disturbed and confused. They frequently look distant or unresponsive even when speaking, and they might not react to conversations the way you would expect them to.In addition to wreaking havoc on a person's everyday life, emotional and psychological trauma can also lead to mental health illnesses such major depressive disorder, posttraumatic stress disorder, short psychotic disorder, and generalized anxiety disorder if left untreated. People may even try suicide as a result of their suffering and frustration after the terrible occurrence. Living a happy and fulfilling life depends on getting assistance before these co-occurring disorders and problems manifest.
Why you should never eat tomatoes and cucumber together?
People's only need for a salad is to mix some delicious ingredients, but there are other variables to consider than flavor. Certain salad ingredients, such as tomatoes and cucumbers, do not combine well. Before mixing components, we must be aware of the specific digestion periods of each item we consume because each of these vegetables has a different rate of absorption.Tomatoes and cucumbers should not be mixed or eaten together. After the digestive enzymes reach the stomach and the fermentation process begins, the acid produced in the abdominal cavity may cause a variety of digestive issues.Moreover, combining meals with differing rates of digestion is not a good idea since the lighter item will pass through the stomach just as the first one is wrapping up its digestion. This might cause your stomach contents to ferment, potentially harming your entire body.
Should You Use Mouthwash Every Day?
Generally speaking, dentists do not advise using mouthwash daily. Themajority of dentists will instead advise you to brush and floss your teeth everyday.Typically, mouthwash is used to help lessen the number of germs in yourmouth, which can lead to gum disease, cavities, and foul smell. It functions byeradicating or lessening the quantity of microorganisms in your mouth. Themajority of mouthwash active components all have antiseptic characteristicswhich can help destroy dangerous germs.Despite the fact that mouthwash may be a wonderful addition to your dentalhygiene regimen, it's crucial to keep in mind that it should never take the placeof brushing and flossing. There is no research or proof that using mouthwashalone may be as productive as routine brushing and flossing. The ideal way touse it is as a follow-up action to brushing and flossing.After brushing and flossing, you should typically use mouthwash once or twicea day. This will make sure that your teeth and mouth are free of any remaininggerms or food particles. However, mouthwash is not absolutely mandatory.Source: Family Tree Dental
Why do we burp?
It is normal and often to burp. Burping is another name for belching. Your bodyuses it to release extra air from your upper digestive system. Belching is typicallybrought on by overeating air. Most of the time, this air doesn't even make it to thestomach; instead, it builds up in the esophagus.If you talk while you eat, or drink carbonated beverages, or smoke, you canswallow too much air while you eat or drink. Even when they aren't eating ordrinking, some people have an uneasy tendency to swallow air.Belching can be lessened if you:• Consume and hydrate gently. By taking your time, you can reduce your airintake. Eating under pressure or while rushing increases the amount of air youswallow. Avoid beer and fizzy beverages. Gases as carbon dioxide are released.• Avoid chewing gum and hard candies. You swallow more often than usual whenyou chew gum or suck on hard sweets. You're ingesting air as part of your meal.• Quit smoking. Smoke causes you to breathe in air as well as swallow it.• Verify your dentures. When you eat and drink, having dentures that don't fitproperly might make you swallow more air.