1,376 Runners Signed Up For 9th Angkor Empire Marathon 2024

date_range 21-Jun-2024
visibility 7

Phnom Penh, June 21, 2024 --

So far, 1,376 national and international runners have signed up for the 9th Angkor Empire Marathon 2024.

The update was shared by H.E. Vath Chamroeun, Secretary General of the National Olympic Committee of Cambodia (NOCC), in a press conference in Phnom Penh on June 20.

He added that, among the participating foreign athletes, Japan is in the lead, followed by China and Malaysia.

The tournament will take place in Siem Reap province on July 4 and is expected to attract the participation of some 3,000 national and international athletes.

The event aims to mobilise funds for humanitarian action as well as attract more foreign tourists to visit the province's Angkor Archaeological Park and promote the development of Cambodia's sports sector, he continued.

According to H.E. Vath Chamroeun, the 9th Angkor Empire Marathon consists of three disciplines, including a 42-kilometre full marathon, a 21-kilometre half marathon, 10-kilometre running, and 3-kilometre fun run for family and children.