Major websites for online learning

date_range 08-Apr-2024
visibility 13

Studying is very important for each and every person and the study method is also applied differently. Nowadays, the internet is booming and many people are turning to it in almost every aspect of life, even education. There are many people who always want to expand their knowledge but do not have time to go to school or training center directly. Others want to start learning online but do not know which website has the best lessons for them. Here are some websites that everyone can choose for personal study:


Coursera has collaborated with several major universities in the United States and some universities around the world in order to create video lessons for dozens of subjects.


Lynda is a website that recruits highly experienced people to create a more effective tutorial.


Udemy is a website that regularly posts new tutorial videos, an average of 800 lessons every month. On the other hand, this website has posted short videos for each lesson to make it easier to choose.


Udacity is a website for those who focus on new technologies. If you are looking for science related lessons, this website is the best choice.


Khanacademy is a website that offers free education. It is a place where video lessons are mixed with text lessons for students to learn and practice.