New PM Submits Political Platform for 7th Mandated Government
PHNOM PENH: August 22 is a significant day in Cambodian history since it ushers in a new prime minister for the first time in the nation's 38-year existence. The 7th National Assembly gave Prime Minister Hun Manet a unanimous vote of confidence this morning.
After being elected, he gave a speech listing six goals for his government, including social assistance programs, healthcare, and job training for the underprivileged. According to the mandate provided to the Cambodian People's Party in the national election held last month, Prime Minister Hun Manet committed to head the executive party.
The political platform for Prime Minister Hun Manet's administration was proposed using the CPP's campaign platform. The six policies are: increasing access to healthcare; establishing social assistance programs; transforming Cambodia's unofficial economy into a formal one; strengthening the agricultural sector; and establishing farmers' associations in rural areas.
He urged the National Assembly on behalf of the Royal Government to join forces with all Cambodians, both at home and abroad, as well as with officials, authorities, private companies, and NGOs to assist in putting mandated policies into effect so that they may be a powerful collective movement.
In line with this, the new prime minister declared his intention to carry out the first stage of the Pentagon Strategy, which was developed earlier this year by the Asian Development Bank and the Ministry of Economy and Finance to assist Cambodia in achieving its objective of reaching high-middle-income status by 2030 and high-income status by 2050.