Cambodian NA President Extends Congratulations To Newly Re-Elected European Parliament President
Phnom Penh, July 19, 2024 --
Samdech Moha Rathsapheathika Thipadei KHUON Sudary, President of Cambodia’s National Assembly (NA), this morning sent her felicitations to Honourable Mrs. Roberta Metsola on the occasion of her re-election as President of the European Parliament.
“On behalf of the NA of the Kingdom of Cambodia, I would like to extend my warmest congratulations to you on your re-election as President of the European Parliament, held during the first plenary session of the European Parliament in Strasbourg, the French Republic, on July 16, 2024,” said Samdech KHUON Sudary.
“We highly value growing cooperation and partnership between Cambodia and the European Union based on mutual respect, trust and interest. The NA of the Kingdom of Cambodia is willing and committed to deepening parliamentary cooperation with the European Parliament to achieve our common interests as well as enhancing inter-regional cooperation between Asia and Europe,” she added.
The Cambodian NA president ended her congratulatory message by wishing Honourable Mrs. Roberta Metsola good health and continued success.